Questions Regarding Forest Heights Subdivision

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Commonly Asked Questions Regarding Forest Heights Subdivision in Sugarbush Undertaken by Democrat Homes

When will the new Sugarbush entrance leading to Ruby Ridge Open?

 The subdivision is currently constructing Phase 1 of the Forest Heights subdivision. This construction includes the requirement of independent access to Horseshoe Valley Road (HVR). This also includes a deviation road which will serve as an extension and link to the Forest Heights subdivision community. Once the deviation road is completed the new entrance for the entirety of the “Sugarbush Community” will be available at HVR.

In accordance with the Subdivision Agreement, the developer (Democrat Homes) is required to construct the deviation road. Construction of that road is anticipated to begin in late fall 2024.

The construction of the deviation road is developer managed and the Township is not in a position to expedite timing association with the timing of the deviation road.

Simplified Explanation:

 Step 1 – construction/completion of Phase 1 development (building of homes) with temporary entrance.

  1. Step 2 – construction of deviation road.
  2. Step 3 – initiation of expanded development (building balance of homes on registered lots).
  3. The deviation road impacts Phase 2 of the Forest Heights development – the road is a required link within the Forest Heights community. It will also serve as the new primary access to the Sugarbush Community.
  4. Construction of the deviation road is anticipated to begin late fall of 2024

Note: Until Phase 1 Milestones are complete, the deviation road will not be constructed. Please refer to the attached schematics which outline the plan of subdivision. Most servicing works are completed for the entire subdivision with one final piece of Line 6 N. outstanding. The Township is encouraging the deviation work be commenced as soon as possible.

Is there a possibility for the closure of the old entrance to be accessible by Emergency Services?

 In accordance with County of Simcoe and Township standards, the entrance into Sugarbush from HVR will be permanently closed.  At this time, determination of the closure mechanism (i.e., engineering – barricade, asphalt, gate etc.) has not been confirmed. There will be ongoing discussion regarding emergency vehicle access and GPS mapping.

Sugarbush Sign – The community is and has been identified as Sugarbush for decades. Will a Sugarbush sign be allowed to be erected once the original entrance is closed?

 Sign By-law and operations consent and potentially the County’s is required depending on the location of the new sign.  There is no entrance feature proposed at the new line 6 N intersection with HVR.

 Construction Vehicles not following the proper route within Forest Heights development area.

You will now notice large directional signs posted by the developer. This has been done in response to the Township working with the Developer to aid in this matter.  The developer has also been pro-active in communicating with contractors, sub-contractors, and trades regarding communication of the proper route.